viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Libro de Acusación al Papa Francisco (Resumido en vídeos de Gloria TV)

El vídeo del día 26 ya lo he sacado en este blog traducido al español (ver aquí y aquí; en este último caso la traducción viene sobre el propio video).

Han salido tres vídeos más, correspondientes a los días 27, 28 y 29 de septiembre de 2016. Los inserto aquí, aunque no están traducidos del inglés (el traductor Google puede servir de ayuda para ello, pero se queda muy lejos de una verdadera traducción, que es la que muestra con claridad lo que dice la presentadora). De todos modos, en cada vídeo viene escrito en inglés lo que se va escuchando. Eso puede resultar interesante para los que tienen mal oído, como es mi caso, pero poseen un cierto vocabulario de inglés y nociones mínimas de gramática inglesa. Aquí los dejo:

Día 27 (Duración 2:19 minutos)

Contradictions: Last week The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis. The Liber points out Pope Francis’ contradictory message. Quote: “You declare that the simple faithful are sinning gravely if they fail to recycle their household waste and turn off unnecessary lighting, even as you expend millions of dollars on vulgar mass events surrounding your person in various countries, to which you travel with large entourages in charter jets that emit vast quantities of carbon emissions into the atmosphere.”

Alliance with the Corrupt: The Liber notices that Pope Francis speaks incessantly of the poor and the “peripheries” of society but – quote – “you ally yourself with the wealthy and corrupt German hierarchy and pro-abortion, pro-contraception, pro-homosexual celebrities and potentates of globalism.”

Money from the Rich: The Liber accuses Pope Francis of deriding greedy corporate profit-seeking. But at the same time, he receives lavish donations from the world’s wealthiest technocrats and corporate heads, even allowing Porsche to rent the Sistine Chapel for a, “magnificent concert… arranged exclusively for the participants,” who paid some $6,000 each for a Roman tour.

Friend of Dictators: The Liber further criticizes the political choices of Pope Francis. Quote: “You demand an end to ‘inequality’ as you embrace communist and socialist dictators who live in luxury while the masses suffer under their yokes.”

Día 28 ( Duración 2:24 minutos)

Projections: Last week The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis. Among other criticisms, it points out that he likes to ridicule a, “supposed soundness of doctrine or discipline” because, according to him, it “leads instead to a narcissistic and authoritarian elitism, whereby instead of evangelizing, one analyzes and classifies others.” The Liber cuts short: “It is you who are constantly classifying and analyzing others with an endless stream of pejoratives, caricatures, insults and condemnations of observant Catholics.”

Fast-track Divorce: The Liber criticizes Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus that introduces changes in the annulment process for Catholic marriages. Quote: “This Motu Proprio erects the framework for a veritable worldwide annulment mill with a ‘fast-track’ procedure and nebulous new grounds for expedited annulment proceedings.”

Divisions: The Liber of Accusation asks Pope Francis - quote - “Have you no sense of alarm about the divisions you have provoked within the Church, with some bishops departing from the teaching of your predecessors on the divorced and 'remarried,' solely on your purported authority, while others attempt to maintain the bimillenial doctrine and practice you have labored without ceasing to overthrow?"

Condemned By His Predecessor: The Liber uses the words of Familiaris Consortio of Pope John Paul II in order to accuse Pope Francis of leading the faithful – quote - “into error and confusion regarding the Church's teaching about the indissolubility of marriage.”

Día 29 (Duración 2:50 minutos)

Undermining Morality: Last week The Remnant and Catholic Family News published a Liber of Accusation against Pope Francis. It points out that the moral calculus behind Amoris Laetitia undermines the whole moral order, not just sexual morality. Quote: “For the application of virtually any moral norm can be deemed ‘unfeasible’ by a talismanic invocation of ‘complex circumstances’ to be ‘discerned’ by a priest or bishop in ‘pastoral practice’ while the norm is piously defended as unchanged and unchangeable as a ‘general rule'."

At the same time the Liber points out that Pope Francis’ moral calculus does not apply to other sins he condemns while carefully observing the bounds of political correctness. Quote: “Nowhere, for example, do you indicate that ‘complex circumstances’ or ‘limitations that diminish responsibility and culpability’ would excuse the Mafiosi you have rhetorically ‘excommunicated’ en masse and warned of Hell, the rich you condemn as ‘bloodsuckers’ or the observant Catholics you ludicrously accuse of ‘the sin of divination’ and ‘the sin of idolatry’ because they will not accept ‘the surprises of God’—meaning your novelties.”

Amnesty for Sins of the Flesh Only: The Liber concludes that Pope Francis seems to have centered on declaring an amnesty for sins of the flesh only, the very sins that, as Our Lady of Fatima warned, send more souls to hell than any other. The Liber asks Pope Francis - quote - “What makes you think the moral genie you have let out of the bottle, which you call the 'God of surprises,' can be confined only to those moral precepts you deem overly rigid in application?”

Immense Harm: The Liber concludes that it is beyond reasonable dispute that Pope Francis' presence on the Chair of Peter represents a clear and present danger to the Church. Quote: “We call upon you to recant your errors and undo the immense harm you have caused to the Church."